1) Who is copyright status granted to? Copy right status is only granted to well known authors and filmakers or anyone who is creative to create a legitimate work.
2) What animal does The Motion Picture Association of America use to detect pirated DVD's? Why do they use them? They use dogs to sniff out the pirated DVD's.
3) Is it legal to purchase a CD or DVD and then resell it on eBay? Why or why not? It is legal, because there is no harm done is say you do not like the DVD, and then selling it to someone who does.
4) What is the purpose of copyright? Copyright was founded to promote the art of science and creativity.
5) Paul decides he really likes the work of the photographer that shoots landscape photos. He uploads the photos to his personal website and shares the photographer's photos with anyone who wants them. Is Paul infringing on the photographer's copyright? Why or why not? Yes, because he is not asking the photographer's permission first, he is just taking them without asking.
6) When is it legal to share a music file that another person holds the copyright on? It is legal if they give you the permission first, because they are the author.
7) What is Fair Use? It is a document that states that you can copy an author's work, as long as you cite your source or you get permission.
8) What is Creative Commons licensing? It is a license that allows you to legally use other people's work.
9) When is it acceptable to use another person's copyrighted works? It is acceptable as long as you legally use it, such as downloading music off of itunes instead of illegally downloading it off of some other website.
10) If you rent a movie on DVD, you may share it with as many people as you like during the rental period. True or False. Why or why not? That is not true because only you paid for the DVD, so by sharing it the author is losing money that could be made if each individual person was to rent it.
11) What is Public Domain? Public domain is free works that are not held under Copyright, so anybody can use them.
12) The US Government holds the copyright on its archives. How does an individual go about obtaining permission to use items from the archives? You do not need permission, all articles in the government are Public Domain.
13) Justin downloaded the black-and-white horror classic Night of the Living Dead from the Internet Archive and decided to mix an audio sample from the film into one of his original songs. That's copyright infringement. True or false? Why? No, it is not because that movie is part of the Public Domain.
14) Paul takes an extremely beautiful landscape photograph. When does his copyright go into effect? How long does it last? If his copyright is infringed upon, how does he defend it? Copyright goes into effect as soon as the work is in an actual form. It lasts forever, and if it is infringed upon, he can defend it by taking the case to court.
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