Friday, March 15, 2013

Current Event #1

Habemus Papam!
     After only five ballots, Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, was selected as the new pope.  Supposedly, he came in second last time when Joseph Retzinger was selected as Pope Benedict XVI.  Now, at the age of 76, he is the new pope.  He has selected the name Francis, the first Francis ever to be pope; just like he is the first Latin American pope as well.  He is humble, having 4 brothers and sisters.  He even gave up luxuries that were common to cardinals in Buenos Aires.  He would cook his own meals, and even though he was provided a chaffer, he would sometimes take the bus to work.
      I am really excited about the new pope, and to be living through a moment in history.  I pray that everything goes well for him and that he has a long and healthful reign as pope.  

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