Thursday, March 21, 2013

Current Event #2

A 47-year-old U.S. woman developed a bone disease rarely seen in the U.S. after consuming an excessive amount of tea. An x-ray showed calcifications on ligaments (left) and areas of dense bone on the spinal vertebrae (right).
Too much tea causes skin disease

In Michigan a 47 year old women has developed a rare bone disease after drinking a pitcher of tea (made from 100 tea bags) a day for 17 years.  She started to experience pain in her arms, legs, and back and went into the doctor.  After some x-rays were taken, she was diagnosed with skeletal fluorosis.  Usually, the kidneys are able to take away excess fluoride, but with the amount of intake this women was getting, she had 4 times the amount needed in her body.  She was directed to stop drinking tea and over time her body will heal itself.
Personally, I find this shocking and a little scary since I am a tea drinker myself.  Of course, I only drink a cup or two a day, nowhere near a pitcher, but I still find this interesting considering I had never seen tea as a danger besides the fact that it can turn your teeth yellow.


  1. The Environmental Protection Agency regulates fluoride in water because it can cause bone damage. In the US, fluoridation is such a political issue that any side effects are hidden from the public. eArly symptoms of skeletal fluorosis are arthritic type pains which U.S. doctors are not trained to diagnose. for more info http://www.FluorideAction.Net/issues/health

  2. who else commented on your blog whispy whisper?

  3. hanny hannboy (or whatever jeffy calls you) : I seriously did not see that somebody else commented on this, this is creepy, they should not have done it, I don't know why they did, there will be some punishment!
