Friday, March 1, 2013

Current Event #8

The current event that I picked this week was the Caynon Jump.

So, pretty much there are these adrenaline junkie guys who go around, doing extreme stuff, taking videos, and then posting them on their blogs and on youtube.  One of their most recent ones was a 400 ft swing jump into a caynon gouge.  Along with their usual crew, they selected a few of their fans to come along and experience it with them.  Among the fans were a couple, girlfriend and boyfriend. 

The boyfriend had already done the jump, and the girlfriend had been contemplating doing it, ultimately deciding not to jump.  There was a repetitent count, upon which she did not jump for any of them.  Her boyfriend then comes up behind her, says hold on, and pushes her off.  As she is falling and swinging away you hear her screaming "I am so breaking up with you".

Afterwards, her boyfriend is rolling on the ground laughing, saying one day she will thank him.  Thankfully,after the 45min climb back up, she had cooled off some.

Ironically, they broke up a few weeks later, though for reasons un-related to the jump.

I think that it is hilarious how her boyfriend pushed her off.  Personally, I would have jumped no matter how scared I was, just to do it, and one day she probably will thank him.  I also find it hilarious how they did break up a few weeks later.

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