Thursday, January 10, 2013

Currrent Event #1: Lab-a-lion

This is the three-year old labradoodle, Charles.  He has been
shaved to look like a mascot because he is the mascot for the
Old Dominion University.   Earlier this week a 911 caller reported
a lion walking down the street.  The police checked with the zoo
and found out that the zoo still had both of their lions.  Charles has
been mistaken several times as a lion, so his owner calles him a lab-a-lion.
The community loves Charles, but some people still freak out seeing him
for the first time.  I was shocked when I saw this story, because Charles may
look like a lion, but the resemblance is not so similar as to actually mistake
him for a lion.  This story was taken off of YAHOO! News.

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