Thursday, January 24, 2013

Current Event #3: Living Under a Rock

Now when people say, "Living Under a Rock", most people just take it as a metaphor.  However, it is a reality for this couple.  They have been living in a desert in southern Texas for thirty years now, in a home under a boulder.  Benito Hernandez said that he first saw the rock when he was eight, and knew that one day he wanted to make a home out of it.  Twenty years later he secured the land rights, and made it a home.  He and his wife still live their today with one of their seven kids (the other six are married and live nearby).  The do not have plumbing, and electricity is rare.  They get their water from a stream nearby, but have to resort to other options in the winter when the river freezes over.  He is a farmer, that is how they earn a living and grow their food.  Personally, I am amazed that anybody could live like this. I could not survive without plumbing or electricity or any of the home comforts.  I also don't see how any eight year old could look at a rock and go, I am going to live there one day, and actually do it!

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