Thursday, January 24, 2013

Photo of the Week #3: Faith

This is a picture of the statue that my family bought when we lost my brother Luke.  It ties together with this week's theme because we all have faith that even though Luke is not here with us on earth, we will one day see him in Heaven.

Current Event #3: Living Under a Rock

Now when people say, "Living Under a Rock", most people just take it as a metaphor.  However, it is a reality for this couple.  They have been living in a desert in southern Texas for thirty years now, in a home under a boulder.  Benito Hernandez said that he first saw the rock when he was eight, and knew that one day he wanted to make a home out of it.  Twenty years later he secured the land rights, and made it a home.  He and his wife still live their today with one of their seven kids (the other six are married and live nearby).  The do not have plumbing, and electricity is rare.  They get their water from a stream nearby, but have to resort to other options in the winter when the river freezes over.  He is a farmer, that is how they earn a living and grow their food.  Personally, I am amazed that anybody could live like this. I could not survive without plumbing or electricity or any of the home comforts.  I also don't see how any eight year old could look at a rock and go, I am going to live there one day, and actually do it!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Current Event #2

On Friday, the 18th, a 6 foot shark was seen in the shallows off the coast of Australia.  A few men were able to wrestle it back of land, and into the water heading out to sea.  People are still in the water, not at al deterred by what occurred. 

Photo of the Week #2

"Its a Small World"

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Stop Motion Test Clip

This test clip is about a girl sliding up and down a handrail that is along a staircase.  The production process is fairly simple, just placing the pictures in imovie and sequencing them.  I then exported it using Quicktime, and uploaded it here.

Kenny Gram #1

A student, exhausted from the work load.  The picture is displayed in the mosaic texture.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Currrent Event #1: Lab-a-lion

This is the three-year old labradoodle, Charles.  He has been
shaved to look like a mascot because he is the mascot for the
Old Dominion University.   Earlier this week a 911 caller reported
a lion walking down the street.  The police checked with the zoo
and found out that the zoo still had both of their lions.  Charles has
been mistaken several times as a lion, so his owner calles him a lab-a-lion.
The community loves Charles, but some people still freak out seeing him
for the first time.  I was shocked when I saw this story, because Charles may
look like a lion, but the resemblance is not so similar as to actually mistake
him for a lion.  This story was taken off of YAHOO! News.

Photo of the Week #1

Grave digger, Spiderman, and Scarlet Bandit, three monster trucks all lined up.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 Year in Review

     On October 8th a baby elephant fell into a well in Kenya.  The well had a foot of water in it, and without help the 7-month old baby could have never made it out.  Rescuers used a rope and their car to pull the baby out.  They had had to hold the mother off to keep her from charging them while they attempted the rescue.  The baby elephant calf was successfully rescued and then reunited with her mother.