Friday, April 19, 2013

Current Event #5

                      Faith Healing Couple's Second Child Dies                   


Herbert and Catherine Schiable (pictured above) have already been serving a ten year probation since 2009 because of the death of their 2 year old son Kent.  However, just this week their eight month old child died.  They believe in the power of prayer over taking their children in for medical attention.  This is how their first son, Kent, had died of unchecked pnuemonia.  Their baby had had breathing problems for several days before he died, and an autopsy is being waited on to confirm the reason of death.  When Kent had died, part of their juridiction was to seek medical attention if needed for their other seven children, we now see that they failed to keep this promise.  Their fate rests on what the autopsy says.

While I believe that it is extremely important to have faith in God, you still have to do everything possible to keep your loved ones healthy and safe.  This includes taking them to the doctor when they are sick or hurt.  It is awful to read this story and know that they could have done something, but instead stood by and just watched their children die. 

For more information click HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Omg whisper, your stories are so touching and straight to the heart. I truly believe that your god given writing skills and talents should be published and used for the purpose of god. why haven't you gone public yet with this grace of yours? it boggles my holy mind.
