Thursday, April 25, 2013

Photo of the Week #6

The Theme this week is: "square"
This picture effectively illustrates the theme of square by showing a cube (which has six squares for sides) lined up next to a stack of five wooden square books.

Kenny Gram #6

A backpack, the usual tool used by students to transport their items from class to class

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Current Event #6

College Athlete Cuts Career Short to save stranger

Cameron Lyle has always been active, he is in his senior year at the University of New Hampshire, and was a star on their track and field team.  Then he got a call.  He was the only match for a man suffering from leukemia, and he was desperate for bone marrow.  Lyle decided right away to donate some, even if it meant an end to his career.  He went through two hours of surgery, with eight cups of bone marrow being removed.  He is not allowed to lift anything heavier then twenty pounds for a couple of weeks, which ends his career of being a thrower on the track and field team.  When asked, he said that he would do it again in a heart beat.  The identity of the person receiving the donations is private, but is said to be doing better, though it will take a few weeks to be certain of improvement.

I think that this is so brave and sweet of Cameron Lyle to do this.  Even though it meant an end of his career, something he had been working on for years, he gave it up in a second to help somebody else out.  It would take somebody really selfless like that to give up your life for a complete stranger.  I hope that he knows that he made the right choice, and that the other person gets better quickly.

For more information click HERE

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Weekly Assignments W/E 4/26/13

1) Comment and Critique
2) Photo of the Week #6: "Square"
 3) KennyGram #6
4) Current Event #6

Friday, April 19, 2013

Current Event #5

                      Faith Healing Couple's Second Child Dies                   


Herbert and Catherine Schiable (pictured above) have already been serving a ten year probation since 2009 because of the death of their 2 year old son Kent.  However, just this week their eight month old child died.  They believe in the power of prayer over taking their children in for medical attention.  This is how their first son, Kent, had died of unchecked pnuemonia.  Their baby had had breathing problems for several days before he died, and an autopsy is being waited on to confirm the reason of death.  When Kent had died, part of their juridiction was to seek medical attention if needed for their other seven children, we now see that they failed to keep this promise.  Their fate rests on what the autopsy says.

While I believe that it is extremely important to have faith in God, you still have to do everything possible to keep your loved ones healthy and safe.  This includes taking them to the doctor when they are sick or hurt.  It is awful to read this story and know that they could have done something, but instead stood by and just watched their children die. 

For more information click HERE.

Photos of the Week #5

Happy Birthday, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

The Green Thumb missed a generation

I give you...light!

I give you...light, again!

Now to put it together....

Do I dare step on the scale?

Stop Motion

Kenny Gram #5

Singing in the Rain

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Assignments for Week Ending 4/19/13

1. One-on-one: comment and critique
2. P.O.W. #5
3. Kenny Gram #5
4. Current Event #5

Friday, April 12, 2013

Kenny Gram #4

A kenny student enjoying the amenities offered by the school.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Current Event #4

Gigantic Wasp Nest

The police received a call from several people on the Canary Islands about a large amount of wasps hanging around their town.  The cops, after being unable to contact the homeowners, break into the abandoned home to find a 21 ft. 9 in. wasp nest.  The large nest indicates that these wasps may have come from Africa, and that it contains millions of wasps.

Personally, I find this beyond gross.  People should keep their houses clean, and call an exterminator if they ever, ever, ever see the beginnings of this.  I just shudder looking at this picture. Ughhhhh!!!!

For more information click HERE.

Photo of the Week #4

Jesus I Trust in You

I give up
You got a friend in me.

I see you
I <3 green eyes!

Weekly Assignments W/E 4/12/13

1. T.A.T. 
2. P.O.W. #4 (five from shot list)
3. Kenny Gram #4
4. Current Event #4
5. Continue Working on stop motion (even thought mine is done and is AWESOME)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Kenny Gram #3

A picture of the drab kenny uniform shirt which is void of any color or creativity at all.  Sadly, this is what a typical kenny student has to wear everyday, completely stipping us of any freedom of expression.

Photo of the Week #3

Spring has Sprung!
A picture of a festive Easter tablecloth, showing blooming flowers and hoppy bunnies.