Sunday, September 23, 2012

Photographer Selection

So I have decided on the photographer that I will do a huge project on and it is...drumroll...............Andrew Prokos.  I just enjoy his photographs of New York City so much, that I just had to pick him, sorry John Shaw.  Now only two things are left.  One, to figure out exactly what the project is about tomorrow.  Two, nobody else gets him, o.k., HE'S MINE*
*Louis Tomlinson

Friday, September 14, 2012

5 photos, 5 photographers, 1 post

By Andrew Prokos

By Michael Frye

By Jay Maise
By Ansel Adams 
By Bria Duffy

     I really love big cities, and I mean really.  I would so love to live in New York City.  That is why I have chosen two pictures both of big cities.  These two pictures are by Andrew Prokos and Jay Maise.  One shows a city from street level (Prokos), the other shows and overview.  I personally prefer the overview, but that is just me.  Another two pictures are of nature.  Pictures of nature are just so peaceful.  Both of the pictures selected I selected because I have been to them.  The first being of Yosemite by Michael Frye, the second of the red woods by Ansel Adams.  Growing up in California, I have been to several of these places multiple times.  The last picture is of a women in black and white.  I love fashion, and the black and white makes it looks vintage and so professional/polished.  This picture was by Brian Duffy.  I loved these pictures, hope that you do too!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Photo Safari 1

Low angle wide shot of the Chapel

Extreme Tight Shot Human Eye
Low angle Long

A shot with Circular Repetition.

A shot with leading lines.

High angle Full Length Shot

Low angle medium shot

A Reflection

A cornerstone

Mr. Yocum in Championship Form

Reflection Questions:
During the Photo Safari around the campus I learned about the different shots that can be taken. Some of these are such as a low angle, a high angle, wide shots, long shots and so on.  It was easy figuring out where the best spots to take the pictures were and what the different angles meant.  The hard part was getting my human subject perfect in every photo, which did not always happen, but I tried my best.  This project will help me in future projects in that, I may not have gotten the exact angles right this time, but that I will in the future.  One strange image that did not exactly work out was my reflection where no matter how many times/ways I took it, it never turned out right.  The eye also turned out blurry where I wish it had turned out clear.  Most of my other pictures turned out really well, which I am happy about.