Thursday, February 28, 2013

Photo of the Week #7

The theme for the photo of the week this week is: I am...
So what am I?
I am...Classy!

This pair of classy shoes shows my love for all things fancy and classy.  I love heels, I would wear them all day long if I could.  I act and dress classy all the time.  This is what expresses and shows who I am.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Current Event #7

More and more places these days are banning kids, especially the screamers, from places.  Malaysia Airlines has banned all babies from their first class cabins.  A restuarant in Pittsburg has banned kids under six.  Now the Dee Why Grand Shopping Centre has put up notices of their zero tolerance of screaming children.  If your kid starts screaming, you are kicked out.  

Personally, I see this as discrimination.  Coming from a family where I am the oldest of soon to be six kids, I am not new to the whole tantrum and screaming kid show.  Some people may see this as a great thing.  No more screaming kids to contend with.  However, I see this as a great injustice to families with young children.  Families should not be banned from certain places, especially family based areas such as malls and restuarants, just because they happen to have young children.  If a child starts to scream, the parent should walk out with them, but they should at least get that chance to even see if their kid will scream.   I hope that all of these bannings will be revoked in the future.  Who knows what else may come of this, boycotts, rebellions, World War III?  The American Revolution started because our freedom was being denied to us.  Is that not now happening again?  Families banned from going to certain places.  Is it not in our constitution that we all have equal rights???

Kenny Gram #6

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Photo of the Week #6

The theme this week is Love
This is a picture of a few pairs of my shoes.  I believe that the love that is shared between my shoes and me is extremely important.  The relationship that we share is unbreakable.  Together we are a pair, we always make sure that each other is looking our best.  If we were to ever be separated, that would be a very grave time indeed.   Of course there are other types of love. Some that, if I dare say, are more important.  Such as the love for God and your faith, your family, that significant other.  However, I have today, chosen to share the love of a young girl and her shoes.

Photo of the Week #5

This week's theme was: Rule of Thirds

This is a photo of a Hershey's kiss, more generally known as chocolate.  I love chocolate.  Really love chocolate. I am super addicted to chocolate.  So thats why this picture fits to the theme: "Rule of Thirds".  Because I believe that when dealing with chocolate, it is always necessary to have thirds.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Kenny Gram #4

Current Event #5: Giant Croc

There exists a small, remote town in the Philippines known as Manila.  Lately this town has been gaining a lot of notice due to the fact that in the ecotourism park there lived a giant crocodile.  It was almost like a pet to the people of the town, even though several deaths have been attributed to it.  It's name was Loyola.  Loyola was 17ft. long and nearly 1 ton, and at the date of her death, nearly 50 years old.  The whole province is in mourning over the loss of their giant crocodile.  The body is going to be put through an autoposy to find out the reason of the death. At the moment the body is being kept in a muesum so that tourists keep coming to this little known town.  The Guiness World Records last year named Loyola as the largest salt water crocodile ever.

I feel that it is a shame that the animal died, though have to wonder why so many people loved it even though it caused several deaths among the people of Manila.  I feel that it is wrong to keep the body on display, the body should be laid to rest, not an exhibit in order to attract more people.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Kenny Gram #3

Current Event #4: Suicide Bomber

At 1:15 p.m. in Turkey and suicide bomber set off an explosive in front of the U.S. Embassy.  Immediately killing both himself and a guard.  Three people were also injured in the bomb.  Personally, I am sickened of the thought of somebody throwing away their life, just to kill another person as well.  It is really sad that this is what the world has come to.  I am just glad that only one person was killed, because even though it was a great loss, the death rate could have been much worse.

Photo of the Week #4

"In the Blues"
This is a picture of my AP World History essay book.  It follows the theme "Blue", first because it is blue, and secondly because whenever I have to use it it puts me into the blues.